Monday, February 14, 2011

I am a Responsible Netizen!

                                                                                                                                        Courtesy: Google pictures

      What comes up in our mind when we hear the word Netizen?., for me this  is the abbreviation of internet citizen. Netizen are users  of the internet, they interact with each other trough the use of internet.

     Are you a responsible netizen? Did you use your internet wisely?, My answer is Yes!! I am a Responsible netizen and I use the internet wisely.

     For me to be a responsible netizen is so easy, because you will only avoid something that can harm other netizen. I am a responsible netizen, because I avoid using bad words when i use the internet. Although you cannot see who you are talking to but the person that receive bad or wrong information will feel an anger. This will be the beginning of your fall.You will have an enemy in the internet that will always contrast you in everything what you say that he/she will know.

      I am a responsible netizen, because I avoid watching pornography through the use of internet. I also avoid website accommodating scybersex  like com frog. This will harm you and it will decrease your spiritual strength that if you are not contented in watching your body will seek for sex and this may lead you in jail. You will rape others to sustain what your body wants to do. Think of your family if you are in jail. they will be sad, it is more disastrous if you are the "breadwinner" of your Family. So you must avoid watching phonographic films and use the internet wisely.
      I am a responsible netizen, because I avoid putting wrong information in the internet. because putting wrong information can make harm to other netizen. Think of others that you are standing on their side. This is one example: if you put a medicine for cough is drinking saltwater. some of the readers will follow what you suggest and it will lead them to harm. Many people use the internet to gather information to enhance their knowledge in this world so putting wrong information in the internet is dangerous.

      I am a responsible netizen, because I avoid blackmailing others although I cannot do that. Black mailing others through the use of the internet for money or for something important is like snatching something. You want to have a money without working, you want to own something that you want in easy way. It is written in the scripture , the 10 commandments of God , in the ninth commandment of god. If you need something force it to get it in the good way. Getting want you want in a good way makes you happy without making others mad and sad. You must avoid black mailing and always think that your situation is their situation.

     This are something that i am avoiding but to be a good and responsible citizen you must do something good. Here are some of what I do:

     I am a responsible netizen, because I love other netizen like my family. Because most of the time if you love your family you will put them away in harm. Taking good care to others is what God wants on us. He wants us to be one loving family. If other netizen saw that you are taking care of them they will become your friends. You can beg for advice and their and they will surely give their advise to you. having many friends in the internet can make you happy. Love other Netizen and you will gain more friends.

      I am a responsible netizen because I use the internet as my reference in my study. Internet is full of information. You can  see many articles here that are not written in the book. Using this may improve your knowledge and make your life easy. It will help you in many aspects of life. Internet also provide adds that gives a job for a jobless person. You can also be entertained by the internet through the internet games and sounds. Internet can do many things but be sure that you will use it properly. Use the internet wisely.

     I am a responsible netizen because I help other netizen what ever their problems. Helping others is good and it will make us to be happy. there is a saying: " It is better to give than to receive" It means that we must give other not forcefully but instead what our hearth told us to give. This is similar to " It is better to help them than they are helping us". Because helping others means that you are strong enough in that problem. So be a helpful netizen.

     I am a responsible netizen because I accept what other want me to do. I accept their suggestions if I think it will help and it will not offend others. Because being open minded is one of the most good characteristic that the person must have . It will bring you for more knowledge and it will help you  to be humble. Being open minded will bring you to success.

      This is what the responsible netizen do. I am a responsible netizen because I. avoid using bad words, I avoid watching pornographic films, I avoid putting wrong information in the internet,I avoid black mailing  others, I love others like my family, I use the internet wisely, I help other netizen and, I am an open minded netizen. This are some of what I maintain to do, to be a responsible netizen.

     Being responsible netizen is practicing to be a citizen although it is in the internet. I AM GLAD TO BE  A RESPONSIBLE NETIZEN""

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