Monday, February 14, 2011

"Deceiverside"- the creation


                                                                                                              Courtesy: google pictures

     This blog was created by Shidrex M. Gonzales from Col. Lauro D. Dizon Memorial National High School, IV-Science (Scyber Phoenix) Batch 2010-2011.The beginning of this blog was by the help of Mr. Dennis Lacsam my beloved computer teacher who teach us to use this program, and teach us to be a good and responsible netizen. Thanks for my family for financial support and specially God!!!.

    First of all, I would like to welcome you in my blog, this blog are created for the enhancement of the readers mind in every deceiver person (person that carry false information that leads you in     mistakes). I will give you my opinion in modifying true friends, making a right track in life, and making a decision in times of trials and problems. This blog are created to the person  that are taking a wrong track in life, I will tell something that he/she can be use from the word of God  (The Holy Bible).

    The title of this blog came form two different stories, first story is from spy-kids-3d (game over) that was my favorite movie, and it was my favorite artist Demetra (the deceiver).  This movie was created on 2003 by the Italian people. I will tell something in this story,  Juni was ca spy that retired in his company that was the last seen in spy kids 2. He began a normal life and save an amount of money to play the " game over" game. When he complete the amount that he needed, he lost he lost all of his money because it was blown by the wind. Then one of his friend namely Gerti Giggles go to their house to told him that  the "game over" game can manipulate the mind of everyone that have been game over in this game. After hearing this He go to her company. His boss told him that his sister played this game to stop the toymaker ( the creator of the game)in manipulating the mind of children. Juni decided to play this game to save everyone especially his sister that stuck in level 4. At first he did not know what to do until he was given a chance by the toymaker to have a tag team. He choose his grand father that cannot walk. While playing this game when he get to higher level he met but he did not know that she is only a program of the toy maker. She was also known as a deceiver but at the end of the story although he was a program she saves Juni and his grand father. The main value of this movie was "Everyone is a family" Because no man can face great challenges alone.

     They finish the unwinable level. This was the story were the name of this blog came from. The deceiver (demetra) is one of my crush, but she is already 18 yrs. old . Her complete name is Courtney Elizabeth Jines. When I saw here picture in the internet her image was change in her 12yr. old and in her picture in the present.
      The name of this blog "Deceiverside" may have a negative impression but as far as I know everyone is a deceiver by forcing others for doing something they don't want to do. Deceiving other or making a lie to other is one of the greatest sin that God hates. God wants us in our life by loving and caring everybody like what is written in the in the scripture, the two greatest commandment of God. First " Love God with all your hearth with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength",  the second is "Love your neighbors as you love your self" I know that following this commandment is so easy it is by the person that think he/she cannot do that , also known as pessimist.
      This blog may contain a negative effect for the readers but it will surely help you to trace aright track in life. You will notice that you are in a wrong track because deceivers(power of Satan) that you continuously accept in your life.

      The second why I choose this name is because, I am a Born again Christian. I want them to be saved in the eternal death,thus give them an Eternal Life in heaven.but this is by accepting Lord Jesus as a personal savior. I created this blog (to be honest) at first because of the grade in computer, but now I want to spread the word of God through the use of internet. Now a days many teenagers did not know how hard life is. They did not know Why the are living?, Who is God? , Who created man? ,and especially who gives us life in our daily lives. The "Deceiverside" will post not only the trivia for this world, but the trivia about God.

      You may ask question in this blog through your comments and I will answer and accept want do you want for this blog. This blog is a friendly blog you can seek when you face a problem or trials. You are lucky reading this blog because you will know how to be happy in life. Life is too short and you can only find happiness if you are contented.

     Again this blog is not full of false information this blog will help false person bay making them right person through right information.Now you know how this blog begin!!! I want you to come back in this blog to have spiritual knowledge. For more information who is Demetra watch spy-kids 3d( game over ). You will learn lots of good things in this movie.

    The final question are, Do you want to be a deceiver or to be a good friend to everyone?, Do you want to be deceive by your peer?, and specially, Can you accept Lord Jesus Christ as a Lord and personal savior?
"Deceiverside" will never make your life down, it will lift you up!


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